Dryer Vent Cleaning - Frequently asked questions
There are actually more than 15,500 clothes dryer fires every year, the majority of these are easily avoidable. Clogged Dryer vents will make the clothes dryer run considerably hotter and so as to dry the clothes it must run for a longer period. Listed below are just a few of the frequently asked questions we get, regarding dryer vent cleaning and also dryer lint removal.
Why must I have my dryer vents cleaned?

- Greatly reduce the chance of a dryer fire
- Cut down drying times
- Considerably lower your utility bills
- Prolong the life span of your dryer
- Lessen allergens in your house
- Excessive heat produced by clogged dryer vents can easily ruin your clothes
How frequently should my dryer vents cleaned?
Every household differs, however a great rule of thumb is:
- With 1-2 people in the house: Once every two years
- With 3-5+ people in the household: Once per year
Are there any signs that my dryer vent should be cleaned?
- Drying your clothes is taking longer than one cycle in order to dry each load
- You are noticing less lint (sometimes no lint) on the lint trap when you check
- You notice lint accumulation around the dryer vent hood (normally outside your home)
- Clothing is extremely hot following a drying cycle
- The surface of your dryer can be quite hot whilst in use
- You see excessive lint on your clothes
Just what are some reasons for dryer fires?
- Clothes dryer vents fill up with lint which slips through the lint trap
- Dryer fires can happen as lint builds up within the dryer or in the dryer vent
- Lint can easily obstruct the movement of air, leading to excessive heat build up, occasionally causing a fire
- Lint is incredibly flammable - mix that with the above mentioned and it could lead to a disaster