Using the latest technology we are able to inspect your dryer vent, we take a reading of the airflow before cleaning commences and after. Dryer vent cleaning not only reduces the risk of fire it can save you money on utility costs each month. If you are using the white vinyl transition tubes we recommend you change these for semi rigid hose as recommended by all dryer manufacturers. We can clean dryer vents that vent to the roof, second storey with long runs.
Birds love to build nests but why do they not stick with living in trees? We can remove birds nests from your dryer vent or other vents. We also offer vent replacement, these need replacing over time to keep birds and other wildlife out. Call us today to remove your bird nest fast.
Do you need a dryer vent installing, relocating or just replacing? We can ensure yor dryer vent is to code and installed for dryer efficiency and safety. We see many builder installations that are a mess, unsafe and can actually be a fire risk as the years pass.
We specialize in commercial dryer vent cleaning for condominium corporations, hair salons, hotels, laundromats, real estate agents, home inspectors, landlords, home owner associations, property management companies and much more!
We offer vent replacement, over time the weather takes it's toll on the plastic vents. If left then birds will find their way into your vent and become a nuisance.